Message From Vice Chairman
While laying down the foundation of APGI it was visualized to create a benchmark of excellence in the field of professional education and produce world-class technocrats with moral and ethical value.
The world is on the threshold of a new era with information technology making rapid strides to revolutionize entire work environment that will have strong impact on trade, business and industry. The emerging and the new generation technologies will dominate the future to set new trends, necessitating a whole new era to achieve new benchmark of success. APGI has already built strong links with key players of corporate world to facilitate the placement of its students on significant positions. I feel delighted to say that the numerous batches of APGI have passed out with an excellent campus placement result. I have been a firm believer that achievements come to those who go beyond the training, beyond the planning, beyond the motivation & into the zone of effective action. A little bit of focused efforts can go a long way in fulfilling your ambition, by enhancing your enthusiasm & your effectiveness. Once you take a step to join APGI, Agra a whole new world of brilliant possibilities would be open to you.