Training & Placement
The Training & Placement Department of APGI has been in the forefront of activities, bringing corporate close to the campus and encouraging them to establish facilities to cater to the needs of the students. It plays a pivotal role in counselling and guiding the students for their successful career, which is a crucial interface between the stages of completion of academic program of the students and their entry into the job market.
It aims to provide career guidance and placement opportunities to all the students studying in APGI.
Training and Placement Department arranges and coordinates various programs that aim at molding the students so as to meet the industry expectations in their career building and in tum bring laurels to the parent institution. The department sincerely believes in imparting comprehensive training to the students to face the challenges of the dynamic and demanding job market and build a successful career for themselves.
Special SKILL ENHANCEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS have been customized for students so as to meet the industry requirements.